Des Arc Elementary Bulletin
Monday, February 6, 2023
Thursday, February 9 - Parent Teacher Conferences for Pre K -12 grades - 2:00-6:00 - School will dismiss early as follows: Pre K out at 12:45, Elementary out at 1:00, and High School out at 1:15
Friday, February 10 - No School
Monday, February 20 - Presidents Day - No School
March 20-26 - Spring Break
Friday, April 7 - Good Friday - No School
April 24-28 - ACT Aspire testing for 3rd-6th grades
May 1-4 - MAP Testing for grades Kg - 6th
Tuesday, February 14 - Class Valentine Parties will be at the end of the day, 2:15-3:00. Teachers will get in touch with parents on what to send or bring.
May 16 - Kindergarten End of Year Program - 9:00 am in elementary cafeteria
May 18 - 6th Grade End of Year Program - 6:00 pm in elementary cafeteria
May 19 - End of Year Awards for 1st - 5th grades
May 24 - Last Day of School
Parent Lunch with child dates: February 9, March 17, and May 5
School Choice is now available and applications are being accepted. It will close on May 1, 2023. If you know of someone who is interested in their child attending school in our district, let them know now is the time to get the application filled out.