PPC 2/6/25

PPC Minutes 02/06/2025

Members in Attendance:

Chair- Kylee Burge

Vice-Chair- Lesia White

Secretary- Robin English

Stacy Childers

Autumn Payne

Jeff Singleton

Admin.: BJ Paschal

Called to order at 1:30 PM.
1st Item of Business: Review School Calendar Options for the 2025-2026 school year.

  • Additions to all calendar options: Include the word High School beside the word Graduation on May 8. 

  • Motion to vote to send these options to the staff for approval. - Robin English, 2nd Stacy Childers, Vote 4-2 passed

2nd Item of Business: Review and Adopt Policy Changes sent by the Arkansas School Board Association. 

  • Motion to approve - Robin English, 2nd Jeff Singleton

  • Approved 6-0

3rd Item of Business: Proposal to increase the number of sick leave days that a teacher could be paid for upon retirement from 45 days to 90 days. 

  • Motion to approve - Lesia White, 2nd Stacy Childers

  • Approved 6-0

4th Item of Business: The committee chair, Kylee Burge will look into personnel policies that are standard concerning cameras in the classrooms. We will discuss these at a future meeting. 

  • Specific concerns that had been brought to the committee included personnel that has access to cameras and camera footage, along with when that person has access. 

Meeting was adjourned by Lesia White. 

  • Second by Robin English