Des Arc Elementary Bulletin
Monday, March 13, 2023
Friday, March 17 - Parent Lunch with their child. School will dismiss early on this day as follows: Pre K dismisses at 12:45, Elementary dismisses at 1:00, and High School dismisses at 1:15
March 20-24 - Spring Break
Friday, April 7 - Good Friday - No School
April 3-6 - Kindergarten Registration
April 20 - Last day of tutoring for the 22/23 school year
April 24-28 - 3rd-6th ACT Aspire Testing
May 1-4 - K-6th MAP Testing
Friday, May 5 - Elementary Fun Day - Parent Lunch with child - If you would like to donate drinks for this day you can bring them to the elementary school at any time. The kids favorites include Body Armor, Water, Gatorade, Sodas, etc.
May 16 - Kindergarten End of Year Program at 9:00 am in the elementary cafeteria
May 18 - 6th Grade End of Year Program at 6:00 pm in the elementary cafeteria
May 19 - 1st-5th End of Year Awards - 1st-3rd will be 8:30-9:30 and 4th-5th will be 9:30-10:30
May 24 - Last Day of School for the 22/23 school year